Friday, October 5, 2007

back in town..

After the valley of puppets and other strange beings I went to pay my family farm, Sjávarborg, a long overdue visit. It was a crazy weekend of many parties, all surrounding Laufskálarétt, the biggest annual horse-gathering of this country. There people in riding pants and woollen jumpers herd the horses into a stone fence and then battle them with all their might into the correct pens. For those of us who were too scared to jump in with the running steeds and take part in the action it was enough fun to sit on the walls around and watch and then walk around, have a sip of something with a friend or enjoy a bit of snus (dark brown tobacco powder that you suck into your nose and makes your bogeys black for the next 24 hours).
What a great weekend. I think my wonderful and beautiful cousin Silja and I must have broken some sort of laughing record..
None the less it’s nice to be back in Reykjavik for a little while and see all the wonderful friends who are busy studying and working and (most of all it seems these days) increasing the population of the world!
And I can’t deny that it’s nice to be back in my own flat moving furniture and carrying boxes once again. Not that I wasn’t happy staying with all you lovely people that have been generously putting me up for the last few months, or that I don’t look forward to the various couches and beds of the near future but it is nice anyway, you know what I mean, to have my own space for a little while. The last time I lived in this flat it was with my ex-boyfriend and very dear friend Víkingur who is now temporarily living in Berlin. He must have anticipated how much I would miss his presence and was considerate enough to leave the city covered in enormous posters of himself accompanied by a rather confused looking cow. And just in case I'm staying on a farm or don’t leave the house one day, no need to despair for I can be most certain to find him in any newspaper I might happen to leaf through.. and if there are no newspapers..? He thought of that one too, all i have to do is turn on the television and wait for the next advertisement break. I even went with my cousin to the gym in the morning and there he was, the first thing I saw as I walked into the exercise hall – right above the mirror behind the treadmills; his face, covering almost the enire wall and watching over me as i did my workout. Kind of weird I must say, but also kind of nice. I am just very very grateful that he is such a great person.. I can imagine how it could be not so amusing to have enormous pictures of your ex everywhere!
phew! (or sjúkkett! as we would say in the mother tongue)


Anonymous said...

heyrðu já ég frétti einmitt af þér í laufskálarétt... sá þig nú samt ekki... þetta var alveg bjútífúl!

t. said...

hahaha - þetta með víking hljómar eins og einhver sena úr friends!