Friday, October 19, 2007

limbo bimbo

I have found myself doing the most unusual jobs of late. During the day I sometimes go with my mum to work at her office. There I do various little jobs that have been left out over the last months and nobody has the time to do. Like filing info and data, organising files.. little things that take time and organisation but not much energy. If I knew I would be doing this every day for a year it might be tiring but at the moment it’s perfect. In fact, it’s exactly what I need.
The thing is, I’ve been in a rather strange state of being of late. The last year was so crammed with things happening and I didn’t stop.. until now. A month has passed since I finished Idigaragua and left Minneapolis and I feel like I haven’t done anything. Of course that’s not quite true. I’ve been spending most of my time moving and settling into my flat, which is also kind of strange because I’ll be leaving in a few days time. I’ve had time to see friends, for swimming, sleeping, yoga in the mornings, cooking, writing, going out, hiking.. It’s all great but still something is missing. My work.
A song makes me cry and I don’t know why.. I check what it is.. the title is ‘blue’. I’m blue? I’m not blue? I have no reason to be blue.. but I can’t help being a little bit.
It doesn’t bother me that I don’t quite know where I’m going with my work.. or with my life for that matter. In fact I don’t even want to know. Just as long as I’m being creative and doing something I enjoy and learn from. Right now I feel like I’m in a state of still and limp, floating for a little while.
So being the little funny looking office elf is pretty good right now. It’s easy, I feel at least a little bit useful, the people there are very nice and I earn some money.

The other job that suddenly came up is very different. Iceland Airwaves music festival is in full swing. It’s great. Reykjavík is a buzz with all kinds of bands, from all over the place, playing everywhere, all the time. I run around town trying to catch as much as possible, hoping to discover an audio treasure or to be at least a little bit blown away. Until 11pm. Then I am picked up by a bus driver – we drive to the airport where I hold up a sign and wait to greet arriving bands, giving them a warm welcome and making sure they arrive safely at their respective hotels.
An unexpected addition to my first experience of Airwaves and definitely has made it more interesting!

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