Sunday, October 28, 2007


Louisiana was out today. Never happened. Wearing pyjamas all day, having ugly hair and playing cards was most definitely in. I love it. Tomorrow however I am going to get dressed in the morning and go out and see something before we have a farewell dinner in the evening and I have to leave again. I wonder if there is any kind of limit to how many farewell dinners / parties you can have in one year?!
The other day I discovered a most curious thing. I went out running one morning when Katrín and Jens were already at work and nobody in the flat. When I came back and opened the door, the flat was in a mess, floor covered in white dust and a drilling noise further inside. I obviously got a shock at seeing that the flat had been transformed into a building site in my short absence and was starting to question my sanity when I suddenly realised that I had in fact walked into the flat on the floor below. Apparently, and of course nobody knew this, the key from the flat here also fits for the one below. We have been speculating how this could have happened and what should be done. It is of course an incredible opportunity for all kinds of practical jokes, which could be funny, but also not a good idea at all. I must admit I love the idea of going down there before anyone shows up and setting up a perfect little picnic on a checkered table cloth in the middle of the floor. A clean little island in the middle of a big mess, and then to see how the people would react when they showed up. Or maybe something just a little bit more subtle to begin with. Or maybe it is not cute at all and just creepy and good that I am actually leaving so I can’t actually do these things and get myself into trouble.
The craziest thing is that nobody knows how long it has been like this. And that if they hadn’t had such an absent-minded visitor who can’t recognise anything, nobody might have known for a hundred years.
What to do about the situation remains unresolved.
Have you tried your keys to the other doors in your house or neighbourhood?

ps. i love it when you comment but would love it even more if you would leave your name, or a hint at least which could be even more exciting!


Anonymous said...

víkingur heiti ég... veit ekki hvort þú munir eftir mér en við áttum smá fling fyrir nokkru. ég er ekki með lús, en mér finnst bloggið þitt helvíti magnað.

ég er ansi snjall í að ráða gátur sko... þessi með lúsina, pottþétt kvenmaður (sjáum hvort viðkomandi er sammála mér eða ekki).

teik ker og fljúgðu hátt.

Ms. Berger said...

víkingur.. jú, eitthvað rámar mig nú í það fling.
Annars held ég að þú sért á réttri braut. Grunar að sá lúsugi, eða öllu heldur, sú lúsuga, sé einmitt kvenmaður.
Það verður spennandi að sjá hvort ekki verði komist til botns í þessu máli!

Kamilla said...

Ég trúi ekki að við náðum ekki að kveðjast!

Það var nú samt ósköp gott að vera með þér í svona smá stund. Kvöldstundin í þynnku með þér og Silju stendur upp úr.

Hvenær á ég eftir að hitta þig næst? Kannski bara um jólin. Sæjitt!

Heyrðu, ég er að fara til New York eftir tvær vikur. Verður þú nokkuð þar???

Anonymous said...

hey, ég sagðist vera EKKI með lús.
sakna þín sæta,..en ef þú ferð ekki að svara meilunum mínum, þá næ ég mér í lús og kem og smita þig af henni. hah!

t. said...

Hei ég reyndi einu sinni að fara inn í vitlausa íbúð með lykli. reyndi geðveikt lengi þangað til að húseigendur vöknuðu og urðu hræddir. Þá fattaði ég ruglið og hljóp í burtu. enn þann dag í dag heldur þetta fólk að ég sé steliþjófur.